Friday, January 9, 2009

My heart goes out....

I had a wonderful night tonite. After work...grabbed a drink with a couple friends and even ran into some old ones!!
Sang loudly to some old but fun songs on the jukebox...and as I drove home, I see the lights up ahead. I begin to fear. As I get closer, I can tell it's an accident. A truck had smashed into the back of a semi. The entire front end is flat as a pancake. And all I can think about is that phone call. The mother, or father...the wife or the husband...the son or daughter, who's getting that phone call about their loved one being in that accident. I couldn't tell if the person was alright, cause it was dark and I didn't see anyone....there was of course an ambulance and fire truck and several police cars.....but who could be certain whether or not the person in that truck survived.

It makes me think about how grateful and lucky we all are to have people in our lives who love us. It's those people who make every horrible day tolerable...who make the bad times seem better...and who make the good times so memorable. You really never know when a day may be your last.
Cherish, love, and be kind. Remember that life is precious and is truly a gift. Let go of regret and lost things, because when/if God forbid, you should come across a tragic day...those 'things' and 'regrets' will mean nothing and those you loved and cherished will mean everything. heart goes out to those in need those who suffer and loathe in pain and loss. Wrap Your all-loving arms around them and hold them tight, for they need to see Your light. Remind them that You love them and that with a little bit of time, everything will be alright. Amen.