Ok, it really wasn't that bad!!! It went really good actually. My first day of home preschool was fun and Lucas did very well for being in a new place!!! It was actually a half day for him today, so it was kind of nice to have a shorter time than normal to get to know him!!
In home preschool we hung up ABC's along the wall and decorated paper hearts with stickers and drew on papers!! We had reading time and then had song and dance time!!
We didn't do from 9 AM - 11 AM like I had wanted to, but I expected delay in the beginning. I know it's going to take some getting everyone adjusted to a new routine.
I actually have a meeting with another mom tomorrow for her 2 year old daughter! She'll be part time, which is nice. A week ago, I thought I'd be watching 3 other toddlers on top of my own fulltime, so it's kind of relieving to know that's not happening now!! I was getting a little overwhelmed!! I have a tendency of working myself too much all at once instead of easing into things!!! LOL!
So far so good!
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