They say never to tell anyone about your dreams, for they won't come true! WELL, I'm tellin everyone I can about this one because I surely do not want it coming true! Most of the time we have scary dreams and we wake up and we forget about them. Well, these are sticking with me for some reason...I woke up from the first one, took a few deep breaths, and went back to sleep assuming the dream was over, but it only continued. I woke again, toke some more deep breaths, and went back to sleep, and yet still again, it was back!
It started with a simply evening out with the family...Brian was playing basketball and Gavin was running around playing with other kids. I was just watching them both. Don't ask me where the babies were, I have no clue. I'm guessing this dream just wasn't really about them. So we're getting ready to leave and Brian heads to the car while I go get Gavin.
I find Gavin being bullied by a group of kids and as I walk up to them, I tell them to leave him alone and tell him to come on.
As I walk passed the girl in front of the group, she spins me around and swoops behind me, jabbing me above the left front side of my hip with a knife. She repeatedly did this until my body hit the ground. As she ran away, I remember seeing Gavin freaking out and I was trying to tell him I was ok, but when as I stood up and shouted to him he couldn't seem to hear me. I turned around and saw my body lying on the ground lifeless.
I wake up.
At this point, I'm breathing pretty heavily and I calm down and go back to sleep. The sleep continues with us driving around watching mass hysteria begin. We're not sure why and can't seem to get an answer from anyone. We begin to see that cars are being lifted from the ground by some kind of aircraft and once they are lifted high enough and then attached by other aircraft shooting them. A war is beginning in the sky. The strange part that makes me feel like the 2nd dream is connected to the first, is the fact that no matter who I speak to in the 2nd dream, NO ONE seems to hear me, as if I'm not really there. My husband is driving like a bat out of hell to get through all the chaos, and I'm trying to tell him to slow down, but he's not listening. When the car is stopped, I'm yelling to people to tell us what's going on, particularly police officers and I'm getting absolutely no response. Not even so much as an acknowledgement.
People are starting to shoot each other, police are going crazy and just killing everyone in sight because they don't know who's human and who's not. My son is killed in this process. But no matter what I say, there's no answer....to hint of acknowledgement.
Today, when Autumn's dad came to pick her up, I was on the phone telling someone about this dream and he kinda chuckled and told me that 3 different ancient calendars say something about our "age" or this planet ending in December of 2012. Nice.
This is not the first instance of my having dreams like this. I've had several dreams of being killed and I've had several dreams of world destruction.
Maybe it's all the tv I watch, maybe it's not.
All I know, is that if the world is going to end, I'd really rather not know about it ahead of time.
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